Articles & Reviews
Now playing: Pope Francis' ecological encyclical set to music: Boston composer's Laudato Si' oratorio is 'a call to action through music'
Berklee Strikes for Climate Action 2019
Extinction Rebellion Radio 2021
Elman, Steve. "Concert Review, Linda J. Chase: The City is Burning", the arts fuse, Boston 11 November 2017. Retrieved from http://artsfuse.org/165236/concert-review-linda-j-chase-the-city-is-burning/
Jump up ^ Chutchian, Maria. "Stranded in Japan" Arlington Advocate, 30 March 2011. Retrieved from http://www.wickedlocal.com/arlington/news/x1992230414/Stranded-in-Japan?zc_p=0#axzz2Y5W3Eio5
Woodcock, Tony. "Why Music is Important: Pushing Boundaries" Huffington Post, 12 November 2012. Retrieved from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/tony-woodcock/why-music-is-important-pu_b_2101161.html
Nicholas, Alliz. NEC Celebrates 40th Anniversary of Contemporary Improvisation Department Review Berklee Groove 12 March 2012. Retrieved from [http://www.example.com www.example.chttp://www.berkleegroove.com/2012/12/03/nec-celebrates-40th-anniversary-of-contemporary-improvisation-department-review/ om]
Westbrook, Rene. "Inspired by the Silence of the Grand Canyon" Grand Canyon News 13 August 2012. Retrieved from https://www.grandcanyonnews.com/news/2012/aug/14/inspired-by-the-silence-of-the-grand-canyon/?templates=desktop
National Park Service Newsletter, Announcement of 2011-2012 Selected Artists - Grand Canyon, South Rim, February 12, 2011 (https://www.nps.gov/grca/getinvolved/supportyourpark/selected-artists-south-rim-2011-2-12.htm.)

Published Works
Contemplative Ecoaesthetics Through Musical Arts: Reflection Resonance, and Resilience, Linda J. Chase, December 2017